A pimple is a small inflamed spot that grows on the skin and contains pus. A pimple often develops when there is a clog or infection in the oil glands or sebaceous glands, and this leads to red, swollen and pus-filled lesions. The sebaceous glands exist in the hair follicles’ base. Pimples have a high tendency of occurring around puberty stage. For teenagers, pimples affect more than 80 percent of teenagers. However, this does not imply that spots or zits (other names for pimples) cannot happen at any age.
The change in hormone production during puberty contributes to the overactive turn out of the sebaceous glands which result in pimples. It is for this reason that zits occur more during menstruation and teenage period in the women’s life. Pimples affect 3 percent of men who are 25 and above and 12 percent of women of that age range too.
Common areas where this spot occurs are the face, chest, shoulders and back because these areas produce a lot of oil glands on their skins than other parts of the body do.