What Is The InStyle Egg Laser Hair Therapy Cap?

The InStyle Egg Laser Cap is a hair growth treatment device that has recently come under fire for its poor performance. The InStyle Egg Laser Caps are supposed to be a revolutionary new way to stimulate hair growth through the use of a laser technology called lower-level laser light therapy. However, there have been numerous negative reviews from customers who have found the product to be ineffective or even harmful.

Different InStyle Egg Options

  • The LASER CAP 80 Venus Plus: This laser cap has 80 laser diodes and is priced at $489.30
  • The LASER CAP 272 Mars Pro: This laser cap has 272 laser diodes and is priced at $734.30
  • The LASER CAP 280 Pluto Premium: This laser cap has 280 laser diodes and is priced at $839.30

Why You Should Not Purchase This Laser Cap

One of the main complaints that we were able to find about the InStyle Egg Laser Cap is that they are not effective at promoting hair growth. Customers complain that these caps are a cheaper, non effective version of FDA cleared laser caps that are effective such as Kiierr and Illumiflow. Many customers have reported that after months of using the device, they have not seen any improvement in their hair growth. We even found reviews from some customers stating that they had even worse hair loss since using the InStyle Egg Laser Cap. 

Another common complaint about the InStyle Egg Laser Caps is that they cause discomfort and pain. Many customers have reported experiencing a burning sensation on their scalp while using the device. Some customers have even reported developing blisters or burns on their scalp from using the InStyle Egg Laser Caps.

Additionally, some customers have reported that the InStyle Egg Laser Caps are poorly made and have malfunctioned during use. Many customers have reported that the device stops working after just a few uses or that the batteries die quickly. Others have reported that the device emits a loud and unpleasant noise while in use.

Conclusion On Why The InStyle Egg Laser Cap is Not Worth Your Money

The negative reviews of the InStyle Egg Laser Caps have had a significant impact on the product’s reputation. Many customers have vowed to never purchase the product again and have warned others to avoid it. Some customers have even requested refunds or have filed complaints with consumer protection agencies.

Overall, the InStyle Egg Laser Caps have received overwhelmingly negative reviews from customers. While the product may have promised to be a revolutionary new way to promote hair growth, customers have found it to be ineffective, uncomfortable, and even harmful. As a result, it is important for customers to do their research before purchasing any hair growth treatment device and to consider the experiences of others before making a decision.